Dented Feels and the Dented Art Ecosystem Expansion

Dented Feels
5 min readOct 7, 2022

Dented Dreams: Mood Swings Vol.1

What is Dented Feels?

Genesis Dented Feels

Dented Feels is the self-titled genesis collection made of 11,111 emotionally conscious generative art pieces. It was released on February 22, 2022. The artwork portrays themes of surrealism, emotional consciousness, vulnerability, and identity. The collection conveys visually what can be hard to express verbally.

The genesis Dented Feels collection is the journal of our founding artist, Dentin. It is a time capsule on the blockchain, chronicled in real-time. The collection holds the emotional struggle he endured as he publicly fought to release his artwork into the world, to break through as an artist, and to achieve his lifelong dream. Today, the collection is Act 1 of the Dented Feels story.

After the collection sold out, Dentin’s story of struggle became a story of triumph. The big question became: where do we go from here? How do we expand the art and continue this story without saturating the beautiful first collection that holds this story and meaning?

How do we expand the collection in a way that adds artistic value to the Dented Feels Ecosystem and allows us to continue the Dented Feels story?

Out of these questions we build the vision for Dented Dreams and Mood Swings.

What is Dented Dreams?

Dented Dreams

The Dented Dreams collection is a fully dynamic collection made of upgradable and customizable artwork curated by the community. The collection is Act II of the Dented Feels Story.

Dentin transformed his Dented Feels into his Dented Dream when we released our genesis collection. Now, Dented Feels holders can utilize the Dream Frame token to transform their Dented Feels into Dented Dreams as well.

At its core, a Dented Dream is a reimagined Dented Feel, incorporating an enhanced art aesthetic inspired by the feeling of achieving one’s life-long dream.

The Dented Dreams collection consists of impermanent tokens. Collectors have the ability to create and recycle Dented Dreams via the Dream Machine for endless combinations and evolution.

When creating a Dented Dream, the creator can add Mood Swings Trait Cards to the token, allowing for the Dented Dream to be customized to the liking of the holder and to better reflect the creator’s personal journey, struggle, and dreams.

What are Mood Swings?

Mood Swing Trait Cards

Mood Swings are new traits released as collectible digital trading cards. Mood Swings can expand indefinitely through various sub-collection: Volumes (Vol1, Vol2, etc.), Special Editions, Limited Edition Collaborations, and Honorary 1/1s.

The Mood Swings Trait Cards contain the metadata for single traits made to be used with the Dented Dreams art collection. This allows collectors to become their own artists by mixing and matching the original collection in a new way. Holders can collect new traits that will add meaning, identity, and emotion to their art pieces.

Mood Swings Vol. 1 incorporates themes of success, celebration, and transcendence to continue the Dented Feels story. In this expansion, Dentin takes motivation from the experiences of releasing Dented Feels and he achieves his lifelong dream.

The Mood Swings Collection is an infinitely expandable collection, that allows the story of Dented Feels to continue and grow into the future. It allows life’s meaning and beauty to be continually expressed in a single collection. With the added functionality of the Dream Machine and the ability to incorporate Mood Swings to personalize and customize Dented Dreams, the creative potential is truly infinite.

What is the Dream Machine?

Dream Machine?

The Dream Machine is an innovative art regeneration technology that transforms the Dented Feels art ecosystem into a fully dynamic collection. The Dream Machine will be accessible on the Dented Feels website on November 5th, 2022.

To create a Dented Dream, a holder connects their Dented Feel and a Dream Frame, along with up to 5 Mood Swings, to the Dream Machine. The Dream Machine then outputs the desired Dented Dream, placing the power of art generation into the hands of the community.

Additionally, the Dream Machine allows for recycling. Dented Dreams can be destroyed by reinserting them into the dream machine to have them returned to their source component Dented Feel, Dream Frame, and Mood Swings.

The Dream Machine is also expandable, allowing for further dynamic innovations down the line. The launch of Dented Dreams and Mood Swings is phase 1 of the Dream machine’s capabilities. Phase 2 will begin immediately after the launch of Phase 1.

The Dream Machine creates a transformative system of art collection, regeneration, and recycling that allows for the Dented Art Ecosystem to become dynamic, able to evolve and expand indefinitely into the future.

What is a Dynamic Collection?

The definition of Dynamic is “characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.”

Dynamic Art collections are the future of digital art collection and curation. The Dream Machine is the first of its kind in allowing for the transformation of a static collection (like Dented Feels) into a fully dynamic and ever-expandable ecosystem (Dented Dreams and Mood Swings). The future of this novel technology is limitless.

With the launch of Dented Dreams and Mood Swings, collectors will be able to redeem Feels Points (collector reward point system) to collect new traits, art expansions, and Dented Dreams expansions. These new elements added to the ecosystem expand upon the meaning and creativity of holders’ own personal collections, as well as the project as a whole.

Dented Dreams and Mood Swings also allows for cross-project collaborations where new collaborative traits can be released in the mood swings, unlocking the door for incredible creative potential that bridges the gap between project ecosystems, making Web3 a more collaborative space and exciting ecosystem.

Through Dented Dreams and Mood Swings, we aim to evolve what it means to collect and experience art. By pioneering the technological advancements only possible through blockchain technology, we will transcend the Dented Feels collection into a fully dynamic collaborative ecosystem.

Our goal is to pioneer a new path forward for digital artists to share their journey, for collectors to express themselves, and create bridges between project ecosystems that enhance the way artists and communities collaborate.



Dented Feels

Dented Feels is transforming the genesis collection into a fully dynamic, customizable collection called Dented Dreams.